Class symantec.itools.db.beans.brl.adapter.ComputedColAdapter
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Class symantec.itools.db.beans.brl.adapter.ComputedColAdapter


public abstract class ComputedColAdapter
extends Object
implements Serializable
Abstract Class which glues business rule implementation classes with QueryNavigator, RecordDefinition and database events.

1.0 07/24/98
Puru Balakrishnan

Variable Index

 o aggValue
 o aliasName
 o changeType
 o colNavListener
 o columnIndexSet
 o columnNameSet
 o computeRow
 o currQueryNav
 o dIController
 o dataSource
 o initialized
 o outputName
 o queryNavRegistered
 o recNavListener
 o recSavListener
 o sourceColumns
 o type
 o virtualColImplClass
 o virtualColImplObj

Constructor Index

 o symantec.itools.db.beans.brl.adapter.ComputedColAdapter()
Default constructor

Method Index

 o buildAliasName(Class)
 o delegateComputation()
 o getAliasName()
Get the alias name for the business rule bean which is used to construct the data binding name.
 o getClassNameOnly(Class)
 o getDataBindingName()
Method to return databinding name
 o getOutputName()
Get the name for output from the business rule bean which is used to construct the data binding name.
 o getOutputNameNotAvailMsg()
 o getSourceColumns()
Get the comma separated list of columns participating in the rule
 o getType()
Method to get the type of computed column
 o getVirtualColImplClass()
Get the virtual column implementor class
 o initBeforeExecute()
 o initComputeRow(PersistentObject)
 o initComputeRow(Object, int)
 o initDataSource()
 o initSourceColumns(PersistentObject)
 o initSourceColumns(Object, int)
 o initSourceColumns(Object, String)
 o initSourceMembers()
 o initializeMember(CompColInputMember)
 o instantiateImplObj()
 o isAggValid()
 o isAllInputsInitialized()
 o isAllSourceInputsInitialized()
 o isBRLInterfaceImplemented(Class)
 o isColumnChangeInQBE()
 o isColumnInRule(int)
 o isColumnInRule(CompColInputMember[], int)
 o isColumnSpecialFeature(String)
 o isDataBindNameAvail()
 o isRuleOfAggregateType()
 o isRuleOfDerivationType()
 o isRuleOfValidationType()
 o performCalculation()
 o performDIValueChange(Object, String)
 o processAfterColumnChangeEvent(ColumnDataEvent)
 o processAfterRecordNavigateEvent(RecordNavigateEvent)
 o processAfterRecordSaveEvent(RecordSaveEvent)
 o processAggregateRowChange()
 o processBeforeColumnChangeEvent(ColumnDataEvent)
 o processBeforeRecordNavigateEvent(RecordNavigateEvent)
 o processBeforeRecordSaveEvent(RecordSaveEvent)
 o processBorderRecordEvent(RecordNavigateEvent)
 o processSingletonRowChange(RecordNavigateEvent)
 o processSingletonRowChange(ColumnDataEvent)
 o processSingletonRowChange(RecordSaveEvent)
 o processSingletonRowChange(PersistentObject)
 o reInitStatusForMembers()
 o reInitStatusForSourceMembers()
 o resetComputedValue()
 o setAliasName(String)
Set the output column name used for constructing the data binding name.
 o setOutputName(String)
Set the output column name used for constructing the data binding name.
 o setSourceColumns(CompColInputMember[])
Set the list of columns participating in the rule
 o setVirtualColImplClass(Class)
set the virtual column implementor class.


public static java.lang.String AGG_CALC_EXCP
public static final int COLUMNCHANGE
public static final char COLUMNSEPARATOR
public static final java.lang.String FULLY_QUAL_NAME
protected static java.lang.String MORETHANONE_QUERYNAV_EXCP
public static java.lang.String NO_CLASS_IMPL_EXCP
public static java.lang.String NO_CLASS_SPEC_EXCP
public static final int RECORDCHANGE
 o aggValue
protected transient java.lang.Object aggValue
 o aliasName
protected java.lang.String aliasName
 o changeType
protected int changeType
 o colNavListener
protected transient symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.event.ColumnDataEventListener colNavListener
 o columnIndexSet
protected boolean columnIndexSet
 o columnNameSet
protected boolean columnNameSet
 o computeRow
protected transient symantec.itools.db.beans.brl.ComputeRow computeRow
 o currQueryNav
protected transient symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.QueryNavigator currQueryNav
 o dIController
protected transient symantec.itools.db.beans.brl.adapter.ComputedColAdapter. DataItemsController dIController
 o dataSource
protected transient symantec.itools.db.beans.brl.binding.ComputedColumnDataSource dataSource
 o initialized
protected boolean initialized
 o outputName
protected java.lang.String outputName
 o queryNavRegistered
protected boolean queryNavRegistered
 o recNavListener
protected transient symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.event.RecordNavigateEventListener recNavListener
 o recSavListener
protected transient symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.event.RecordSaveEventListener recSavListener
 o sourceColumns
protected symantec.itools.db.beans.brl.CompColInputMember[] sourceColumns
 o type
protected int type
 o virtualColImplClass
protected java.lang.Class virtualColImplClass
 o virtualColImplObj
protected transient symantec.itools.db.beans.brl.ComputedColumn virtualColImplObj


 o ComputedColAdapter
public ComputedColAdapter()
Default constructor


 o buildAliasName
public static java.lang.String buildAliasName(Class cl)
 o delegateComputation
protected void delegateComputation()
 o getAliasName
public java.lang.String getAliasName()
Get the alias name for the business rule bean which is used to construct the data binding name. DataBinding is of "aliasname@outputname"

String - column name
 o getClassNameOnly
public static java.lang.String getClassNameOnly(Class cl)
 o getDataBindingName
public java.lang.String getDataBindingName()
Method to return databinding name

 o getOutputName
public java.lang.String getOutputName()
Get the name for output from the business rule bean which is used to construct the data binding name. DataBinding is of "aliasname@outputname"

String - column name
 o getOutputNameNotAvailMsg
protected abstract java.lang.String getOutputNameNotAvailMsg()
 o getSourceColumns
public symantec.itools.db.beans.brl.CompColInputMember[] getSourceColumns()
Get the comma separated list of columns participating in the rule

array of source columns
 o getType
public int getType()
Method to get the type of computed column

int - type of computed column
 o getVirtualColImplClass
public java.lang.Class getVirtualColImplClass()
Get the virtual column implementor class

Class - name of class implementing business rule
 o initBeforeExecute
protected void initBeforeExecute()
 o initComputeRow
protected void initComputeRow(PersistentObject recordObj)
 o initComputeRow
protected void initComputeRow(Object value,
                              int columnIndex)
 o initDataSource
protected void initDataSource()
 o initSourceColumns
protected void initSourceColumns(PersistentObject recordObj)
 o initSourceColumns
protected void initSourceColumns(Object value,
                                 int columnIndex)
 o initSourceColumns
protected void initSourceColumns(Object value,
                                 String dataItemName)
 o initSourceMembers
protected void initSourceMembers()
 o initializeMember
protected void initializeMember(CompColInputMember compMember)
 o instantiateImplObj
protected void instantiateImplObj()
 o isAggValid
protected boolean isAggValid()
 o isAllInputsInitialized
protected boolean isAllInputsInitialized()
 o isAllSourceInputsInitialized
protected boolean isAllSourceInputsInitialized()
 o isBRLInterfaceImplemented
protected boolean isBRLInterfaceImplemented(Class implClass)
 o isColumnChangeInQBE
protected boolean isColumnChangeInQBE()
 o isColumnInRule
protected boolean isColumnInRule(int index)
 o isColumnInRule
protected boolean isColumnInRule(CompColInputMember[] arrColumns,
                                 int index)
 o isColumnSpecialFeature
protected boolean isColumnSpecialFeature(String name)
 o isDataBindNameAvail
protected boolean isDataBindNameAvail()
 o isRuleOfAggregateType
protected boolean isRuleOfAggregateType()
 o isRuleOfDerivationType
protected boolean isRuleOfDerivationType()
 o isRuleOfValidationType
protected boolean isRuleOfValidationType()
 o performCalculation
protected void performCalculation()
 o performDIValueChange
protected void performDIValueChange(Object value,
                                    String dataItemName)
 o processAfterColumnChangeEvent
protected abstract void processAfterColumnChangeEvent(ColumnDataEvent e)
 o processAfterRecordNavigateEvent
protected abstract void processAfterRecordNavigateEvent(RecordNavigateEvent e)
 o processAfterRecordSaveEvent
protected abstract void processAfterRecordSaveEvent(RecordSaveEvent e)
 o processAggregateRowChange
protected void processAggregateRowChange()
 o processBeforeColumnChangeEvent
protected abstract void processBeforeColumnChangeEvent(ColumnDataEvent e)
 o processBeforeRecordNavigateEvent
protected abstract void processBeforeRecordNavigateEvent(RecordNavigateEvent e)
 o processBeforeRecordSaveEvent
protected abstract void processBeforeRecordSaveEvent(RecordSaveEvent e)
 o processBorderRecordEvent
protected abstract void processBorderRecordEvent(RecordNavigateEvent e)
 o processSingletonRowChange
protected void processSingletonRowChange(RecordNavigateEvent e)
 o processSingletonRowChange
protected void processSingletonRowChange(ColumnDataEvent e)
 o processSingletonRowChange
protected void processSingletonRowChange(RecordSaveEvent e)
 o processSingletonRowChange
protected void processSingletonRowChange(PersistentObject recordObj)
 o reInitStatusForMembers
protected void reInitStatusForMembers()
 o reInitStatusForSourceMembers
protected void reInitStatusForSourceMembers()
 o resetComputedValue
protected void resetComputedValue()
 o setAliasName
public void setAliasName(String name)
Set the output column name used for constructing the data binding name. DataBinding is of the form "aliasname@outputname"

String - - column name
 o setOutputName
public void setOutputName(String name)
Set the output column name used for constructing the data binding name. DataBinding is of the form "aliasname@outputname"

String - - column name
 o setSourceColumns
public void setSourceColumns(CompColInputMember[] arr)
Set the list of columns participating in the rule

array - of CompColMember
 o setVirtualColImplClass
public void setVirtualColImplClass(Class implClass) throws RuntimeException
set the virtual column implementor class. Before setting the class this method checks to see if the Calculation or Validation interface is implemented

Class - - name of class implementing business rule

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